
Showing posts from September, 2024

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Do you even enjoy what you do or is it all just for the cash?

DO YOU ENJOY WHAT YOU DO AT ALL?  Yes I do, I actually really do love it. The sad thing about this industry is that guaranteed no girl would ever be doing this if she didnt absolutely have to or if she had any other options at all. Because of this so many, if not most, will fall into the drug trap just to be able to space out while they are with clients and not have to deal with the harsh reality of what is actually going on in and around them. And sadly as we all know this usually doesnt last too long as the price paid for this is usually death. It is because of this that I offer only and exactly what i do offer as i know that i can do it day by day and still rest my head on my pillow and feel good about myself and what I do. In my quiet moments alone I can think of various clients I had been with lately and still smile and have a little chuckle at the silly jokes we shared and funny moments we had. So yes, I love my job it's great and I am great at it. I dont go one d...


 SO I KNOW THAT FOR ME, THERE IS JUST ONE OR A SMALL FEW MASSAGE / SERVICE PROVIDERS, BUT FOR YOU THERE ATRE PROBABLY COUNTLESS CLIENTS, OF WHICH I AM JUST ONE OF MANY; SO WITH THAT IN MIND, HOW CAN I ENSURE THAT YOU WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER ME EVERY TIME I RETURN? Ah excellent question and thank you for asking! So what i have noticed in the past, is that there are a few sure fire ways to stand out in the crowd and solidify your position in my absolutely rotten memory! FOOD ! So if you know anything about "anchoring" techniques, you will know that smell and taste combined go a long way in helping ensure that certain experiences will turn into memories while we sleep, and I am no exception there. So yeah, feed me! Lol. Bring me food with and make sure I atleast start eating whatever it is in your presence while you speak to me so that your voice is linked with the taste and smell of the food in my mind. Some of my favourite foods that clients have brought me so far: Chocolate (Mil...

So what the hell must I go to Spar for first anyway?! Seems heavy dodge..

 BUT WAIT, YOURE TELLING ME THE BOOKING TAKES PLACE AT YOUR HOUSE.. BUT YOU WANT ME TO GO SOMEWHERE ELSE FIRST AND SIT THERE LIKE A FOOL?! DO I LOOK LIKE A MORON TO YOU?? Lol no, you dont.  SO THEN WHY GO TO SPAR FIRST? IS THERE LIKE SOMEONE WAITING THERE FOR ME TO CHECK MY CAR OUT OR SEE HOW I LOOK OR WHAT?.. No babe, its nothing like that, I promise!  You see, when you do arrive at my house and finally walk into my room (ie: where the magic happens! Lol) you will notice that the curtains are drawn to make it darker and more private, the candles are lit, theres music playing, towels etc all perfectly laid out on the bed, etc. Now believe it or not I dont actually just live like that, i need time to do all of that really quickly just before you arrive, and thats why i send you somewhere else first - I know that driving here from Spar takes exactly 3 minutes. So the minute you let me know that youre at Spar and i send you my actual address, I know i now have exactly three ...